地图 - 阿巴里靈阿環礁 (Kanton)

阿巴里靈阿環礁 (Kanton)
阿巴里靈阿環礁(Abariringa Atoll),又名坎顿岛(Canton Island),是太平洋島國基里巴斯的環礁,屬於鳳凰群島的一部分,土地面積9平方公里,潟湖面積50平方公里,該島西北部有機場設施,2005年人口41.

* History of the island

* Atoll Research Bulletin No. 41, Canton Island

* Kanton Island Journey . Excellent photos from one woman's journey to Kanton and nearby islands in August 2008. Kanton photos start at the bottom of pg. 1, and continue on pg. 2.

* Phoenix Islands Website Contains information on Canton and the other Phoenix Islands.

* The Phoenix Islands National Geographic article on the Phoenix Islands, including information on Kanton.

* Kanton Island HAM Trip A HAM operator's trip to Kanton in 1999, including description of the island, village and islanders.

地图 - 阿巴里靈阿環礁 (Kanton)
国家 - 基里巴斯
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AUD 澳大利亚元 (Australian dollar) $ 2
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